300 Montgomery St.

Milpitas Great Mall
Helicopter Rigging for Replacement Units

Concord Civic Center
Re-roofing project at the Concord Civic Center.

One Maritime Plaza
An HVAC system to meet the demands of a greener, more efficient and higher-technology building and tenants

Healdsburg High School

Santa Rosa City Schools

601 California Fan Wall Build
An HVAC system to meet the demands of a greener, more efficient and higher-technology building and tenants


Edenvale SC
An HVAC system to meet the demands of a greener, more efficient and higher-technology building and tenants

PG&E Conference Center San Ramon
Reduce energy required by colling plant from 1.4 kW per ton to .80 kW per ton

PG&E High-Current Testing Facility
Matrix was hired to design and install a new chiller system as well as a new boiler system for PG&E’s TEC Center

PG&E Sacramento Service Center
A design-build HVAC retrofit for PG&E’s Sacramento Service Center

Walnut Creek Boiler Retrofit
Replacement of two boilers and heating coils and an update to the control system without impacting tenants

Watergate Towers
30 year old HVAC equipment in desperate need of replacement